Over: general period (american) liquor bottles
(from brilliant page on bottles (Am arch society) )
Labels are harder...
19th C. Tsarist Russian Alcohol Label
American Whiskey Label
P.Dempsey & Co.
Boston, Mass.
A hand blown pint bottle with a deep punt
and a crudely applied neck seal, probably
dating from around 1880 - 1890.
L’Absinthe, by Edgar Degas.1876
Over: how to tell the age of a particular bottle.One of the most important clues to the age of a bottle is the style of the lip. In the picture over are shown a number of lip styles common during the last century. From this page
Ai. I like this, but the sources vary on date on when it was invented (1889 or 1868)...
Vin Mariani (French: Mariani's wine) was a tonic created circa 1863 by Angelo Mariani, a chemist who became intrigued with coca and its economic potential after reading Paolo Mantegazza’s paper on coca's effects.
French Tonic Wine Coca wine was a very popular tonic in the late nineteenth century. Its creators dropped hints of its aphrodisiacal properties with varying degrees of subtlety.
Cocaine co-administered with alcohol, however, yields a potent psychoactive metabolite, cocaethylene.
Cocaethylene is very rewarding agent in its own right. Cocaethylene is formed in the liver by the replacement of the methyl ester of cocaine by the ethyl ester. It blocks the dopamine transporter and induces euphoria. Hence coca wine drinkers are effectively consuming three reinforcing drugs rather than one.
even the pope drank it...
In the 1800's, Pope Leo XIII's image was found on posters endorsing Vin Mariani, a sparkling red wine made with cocaine. Particularly fond of the drink's effervescence, he honored the wine with a gold medal.
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